Day 11:  Should we stay or should we go: Kerrville, TX to Fort Stockton, TX

Day 11: Should we stay or should we go: Kerrville, TX to Fort Stockton, TX

Truth: We are not in Fort Stockton, TX, we are in the Highway Safety Rest Stop about 23 miles east of Fort Stockton. This day, like many days, began innocuously. A late rise, gab the map of the campground trails and head off for a walk. The goal: The lookout on the “Orange” trail. Warning,…

Day 8:  Lake Fausse Pointe State Park, LA to Matagorda, TX

Day 8: Lake Fausse Pointe State Park, LA to Matagorda, TX

Good News, Louisiana and Texas follow daylight savings time. No graduate level math required to figure out forecast arrival time. The day started cold. It was one degree outside. But the campground electricity and our Truma Combi furnace kept us a balmy 18 degrees inside over night. Thanks diesel generators at the campground! Off for…