
Arizona 2024: Day 17: Tucson, AZ: Tacos to go

Well hello there! Morning walk was NOT on yesterday’s path. I popped over to the location of the taco truck as a dry run for tonight’s dinner. Mission successful. Taco truck is only 550 meters away. Dinner plans complete. Finish the walk amongst the acres of RV dealers and this here campground.

Day was uneventful. Mrs Milddogs got to utilize the pool. Amy and I hung out and read. Note that Amy does not read books, only our minds. Somehow she always knows that we will give her everything she wants.

I did not take any pictures today.

We split one of the Pilnsers we got from Tirrito Farms. Both of us remember it being better in the restaurant that it was from the can. Sad face. A bit too beery for me.

As dinner time approached and Mrs Milddogs got crowded out of the pool, we planned our walk over to Taqueria El Rapido. Amy had to smell everything on the way so 550 meters took us what felt like 35 minutes. I carried Amy across the busy intersection as she has a habit of deciding to stop wherever she wants. We ordered six tacos. 2 Birra, 3 Pollo and 1 Asada. We did not opt for the tripe nor the tongue, unless in not opting for them, we unknowingly got those anyway. Tacos were pretty good. Not huge so if you want them for a meal, I’d get 4. We made do. I said goodbye to the final piece of cake.

We got a call from the front desk reminding us that we had a fruit picker. Apparently you are not to keep them for two days in a row. I did inform them we had been sharing 🙂 We may have a lot of citrus fruit in the van now.

Weather was nice enough to sit outside after dinner. A nice lady from Port Hope, Ontario stopped by and we had a nice long chat about vans, and camping areas and stuff. We shall call her Gwen. Our relationship blossomed so quickly we were soon in the van sharing modifications. We sang the praises of Campnab as they are having trouble finding campsites.

Gwen and Derek stopped by a bit later to pick some of our fine grapefruit and we had another nice chat.

I might just go over and have a shower now. You can thank me later.

Tomorrow we pack up and depart the luxury RV park. We shall provision, do some other stuff and then head up north to our next stop. Weather looks good. Fingers crossed.

Sorry about the lack of pictures. Oh wait, I found one, picture of the menu.


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