
Arizona 2024: Day 16: Tucson, AZ: Sun & shoes

Howdy. No star gazing here last night, nor ever. But that is not why we are here. Pretty good night sleep considering the trains, planes, highway and people.

I decided to follow the share use path for my morning walk. It is about 1km to the nearest access point. Off I went past acres of all us us people camping then acres of RVs for sale. Once you enter the pathway, you go take an underpass below the road. I was just passing through but it seemed many others were staying here. Eyes straight ahead, keep walking. Passed by a few more acres of more RVs for sale and came to another underpass. Just passing through, eyes straight forward. A bit sad. I had been a bit pre-occupied by the fact that I wore my trail shoes for walking on pavement. Now, I was focused on making sure there was no suspicious movements near me. On my return trip I did say hello to a few of the people I passed in their homes. Others were a bit to out of it, hunched over and rocking back and forth. There was also an extremely loud jet. When I finally spotted it, it was climbing vertically. Quite cool to see. Many juxtapositions on today’s walk. Tomorrow I may take a different route and wear the proper shoes.

Picture is of a nano-canyon in the wash beside the pathway. This section did not contain people, nor garbage nor discarded shopping carts.


We hung out in and around the van while it warmed up enough to head to the pool / laundry room. We took advantage of check-out time and raided empty sites for some lemons. Note you are allowed to pick fruit from any site, but we feel awkward about approaching occupied sites uninvited. Others don’t, but we do.

Say the bells of St Clements

Mrs Milddogs hit the pool, laundry room while Amy and I hung out and read. Maybe we watched the people go by a bit too. Amy has done a really good job of not barking at everyone.

A number of military planes (there is a base nearby) flew by today and I tried to get some pictures. They will be heavily digitally zoomed. The best camera is the one you have!

Later in the day, Mrs Milddogs thought she saw someone familiar. When we were leaving our last spot, there was a truck and rv trailer pulled over just in front of our campsite. They had Quebec plates so we stopped to say bonjour. We thought they might want our spot as they had been by the day before. Nope, they were just figuring out where to go next.

View from our dashcam as we approached the people from Quebec when leaving our site

On our post dinner (leftovers from yesterday) walk we noticed their truck at the laundry. Mrs Milddogs went in and said hello and had a nice chat. Look at us being social!

We did spend some time helping people identify the difference between lemons and grapefruit today. Even helped them pick some grapefruit from OUR tree!

Tomorrow, more of the same. Except no laundry, and a different route for my walk. We may get dinner from the local taco truck.

We still have about half a cake left.

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