AFN 2025: Van non-tour

AFN 2025: Van non-tour

Where to begin? We Milddogs ordered our van in October of 2020 and took delivery April 13, 2021 (same day we got our first COVID vaccine). When borders opened up we embarked on a 6 week adventure down through the states with our destination being Arizona. We called this the AFY Tour. AFY is an…

L’automne 2024: Day 6: Le-Paradis Marin, QC: More Whales

L’automne 2024: Day 6: Le-Paradis Marin, QC: More Whales

Things I forgot yesterday (Sept 15th): Happy birthday, Heather. Been a while, let’s chat! Well hello there! We awoke to many fog horns sounding (vessels have to sound every two minutes in fog conditions). Today began with a lovely walk exploring the forbidden areas of this campground. Fun fact, the boundary of this private campground…

L’automne 2024: Day 5: Le-Paradis Marin, QC: Whales in Paradis

L’automne 2024: Day 5: Le-Paradis Marin, QC: Whales in Paradis

For this morning walk I ventured out of the day care (oh, sorry, I meant campground) and over to the municipal park that, in addition to the police HQ and the fire department, hosts a beautiful lookout. I then hit the local neighbour hood inconveniently (for the residents) close to the campground but more importantly…

L’automne 2024: Day 2: Quebec City (again)

L’automne 2024: Day 2: Quebec City (again)

For today’s morning walk I ventured over to one of the boulangeries for some croissant and a baguette. Two croissant, two choclatine and two almandine. Mission accomplished! Well, not the mission of a significant walk. I dropped off the necessities for Mrs Milddogs to enjoy with her coffee and to share with our neighbours and…