Arizona 2024: Day 18: Eloy, AZ: Sonoran Hotdog for the win!

Arizona 2024: Day 18: Eloy, AZ: Sonoran Hotdog for the win!

Sleep was good. Somewhat interesting that at this “Luxury” RV resort, full of RVs equipped with outdoor TVs, stereo systems that can be heard for kilometres and a whole bunch of freedom of expression fanatics, that we have never really been woken up by any of them. Morning walk was around the streets and campgrounds….

Arizona 2024: Day 9: Boles Acres, NM: It’s Oliver, not Robert!

Arizona 2024: Day 9: Boles Acres, NM: It’s Oliver, not Robert!

Realized on this trip we entered Texas through Texola and exited through Texico. True story. Pretty good night sleep in the municipal park near the little lake. At some point somebody drove past us slowly with the music blaring. We used about 2% of our propane capacity keeping the van warm last night. When I…