Day 38: Stone, chip, crack: Chesterfield, IN to Sarnia, ON

Hello Canada!

Good night sleep last night. It rained a bit. We did move my shoes off of the furnace outlets so we could breathe some decent air. Campground is near an airport and train tracks. Neither cost us sleep.

We were on a mission this morning. Despite the time change we set an alarm for 0730 so we could be up and on the road to make it through Detroit before rush hour. And up we were. I went out for a short walk on some of the trails with very recent bad memories of wet, leave covered muddy trails. I was rather cautious. Back in 30 minutes. Mrs Milddogs and Amy headed out on the trails while I prepped me and the van for departure. They saw a deer laying down in the woods. As she was coming back to the campsite she saw what appeared to be a bus of prisoners waiting to use the campground washroom or, in at least one case, having a wee outside the campground washroom. We don’t know the story there.

We hit the road just after 0900 and dropped off the garbage. As I opened the sliding door to get the garbage I noticed my shoes that I had left on the running board. Good traction as they stayed put as we took our one-way imposed victory parade around the campground. Thank you shoes, why not better traction yesterday? No tank dumping today, not much in them (was that gross?).

It was not going to be an exciting day. Just highways through Indiana, Ohio (I forgot about Ohio) and Michigan. Mrs Milddogs saw a coyote hanging out in a farm field assessing the value of trying to cross the highway. It was not an exciting day.

At some point along the way we took a few rocks from a vehicle ahead of us. This is the resulting broken windshield. I have not looked for other damage yet. I am archiving the dashcam footage to see if it caught it. I remember flinching as a rock it, that was probably the one. Bummer. Impact is driver’s side below normal line of site.

Border crossing was easy after a last fill up of lower priced US of A gasoline. We are staying in my mother’s driveway for the next few nights before we head home. Thanks, mom!

Driving through Detroit sucks. It’s like Montreal, QC and Toronto, ON mixed together and only the worst 25% used. That includes driver behaviour. You can tell when you hit the Michigan border as the road quality drops precipitously. When changing lanes you have to watch for a gap in traffic and a gap in the intra-lane potholes that would otherwise swallow your vehicle.

We did have a goal of stopping by Einstein Bros. Bagels but the one we picked closes at 1400 and we got there at 1403. Boo!

Tomorrow we are visiting family and doing some chores for our host. I’ll also have to call the insurance company. That’s about it. My walk will be to something pretty. Sarnia has some nice things. Just have to ignore the rest. Good place to visit.

Bye, for now!

Here is that map again.

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