
Salem Bound: Day 1: Little River State Park, Waterbury, VT

We are on the road, again.  Short trip this time with a final destination of Salem, MA.

Today we targeted about 4 hours of driving and that brought us to Little River Campground near Waterbury, VT.  We have been here before.  It was perhaps 13 years ago.  Trips to Ben and Jerry’s, Cabot cheese place and that unfortunate bicycle ride result in one of our precious offspring injured and another, at fault, child getting the full disdain that only a parent can provide.  

We ventured out today with a few known stops.  We had to stop at MyUSAddress.com to pick up a package.  That was only 20 minutes longer than expected.  Apparently you can’t ship a package to Texas unless you have the right zip code.  Insisting it is correct does not make it so.  After some fine chit chat with a dude that drove a BWM i3, it was my turn and I got our package. Seat belt extenders for the van..  No, I have not added big pounds to my pristine body.  The seatbelts in the van cut at our necks.  Hoping the extenders move the contact point over.

Next stop was Price Chopper in Massena, NY.  We provisioned in the US of A as there are a lot of food items you can’t bring with you across the border.  It was a fine provision.  Perhaps a few too many optional food purchases. Maybe the seat belt extenders will be needed for another reason.

Mrs Milddogs, who is currently scouting out sources of lobster near our Monday night campground, selected a fruit market near Malone, NY as our next stop.  Off we went.  She purchased some fine fruit and veg.  

Prairie’s Orchard (correct spelling) was next.  They had apples and oh, the sweet smell of fresh apple cider donuts.   Let’s just say the donuts were really good and the apples will have to wait!   Bonus,  we discovered at supper they gave us an extra donut.  No, we didn’t have donuts for supper, they were desert. We are currently unsure who will get the bonus donut.  I may not sleep tonight as I keep watch on the remaining precious delight.

After the stops near Malone, NY, we were well down the west side of Lake Champlain and decided to take the ferry across the lake.  It was a bit windy directly a beam, but the trip was fine.  Last year we took a ferry across the Saguenay River in QC.  A new tradition!  Ferries in September!

The ferry ride across Lake Champlain.

We arrived at the campground at 1600.  A full 6.5 hours after we left. I went for a walk after arriving to drop off the garbage. I had a moment of excitement. A Winnebago EKKO was checking in and I thought it might be Owen and Lynne from Van Trekking Lifestyle. Sadly, it was not. I continued up the road to dump the garbage.

A few things are different on this trip.   We are travelling without our precious puppy.  We have campsites booked each day. We found it easier this time to book ahead as we had a schedule we have to keep to.  No free spirited BLM boon docking on this trip. Mrs Milddogs packed her lobster pot.  It does not fit in any storage area in the van.  We shall work around that! We purchased a cheap induction stove top that we will use when we have a campsite with electrical hookups. This will save on propane use.

It has rained the entire day.  We did get out for a walk around the campground, in the rain.  

Currently trying to remember how to make the images clickable in WordPress. Maybe I will fix that tomorrow while Mrs Milddogs enjoys Lobsterfest #1.


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