
Day 4: Village Creek State Park, AR

A good night sleep in a relatively empty campground!  

Morning walk was mostly along the campground roads with some trails.  Since we had minimal connectivity I couldn’t look up trails on AllTrails and we did not get a map when we checked in.  Well, there was no checkin, we just went to our site.

I did a see a deer up at the septic field.  Didn’t know I was heading up to the septic field until I got up the hill and read the signs.  Technically it wasn’t a septic field, it is the field where they spray the fluids from the septic system.  No sprinklers running, all good!

We packed up at a leisurely pace and hit the road.  We decided we would stop when we got some internets and figure out what we would do for the day.  

It was a beautiful sunny day today.  Low 20s and hot in the sun.  We had to run the AC in the van a bit as we drove.  Amy (the real dog in Milddogs) was warm.

We stopped at a beautiful rest stop somewhere east of Memphis and did some googling to find a place to stay.  We decided to trim Amy’s winter coat a bit while we were there so we got out the clippers, turned on the inverter and went to work.  No evidence of what we did!

No evidence
No evidence

After all of that we went up to a picnic shelter and had lunch (wraps).  We were having a great old time.  Amy was sitting on the table and then the nice security guard informed us that pets were not allowed in the picnic areas.    Back to the van we went.

We hit the road and approached Memphis.  In the mean time we had decided we must at least do a drive by of Graceland, so we did!  We tuned in SiriusXM to the Elvis channel and drove by.  It wasn’t super busy, we probably could have parked and wandered around.  But, we just aren’t that into it.  

We had booked this campground so we knew where we were headed.  We stopped at the closest town to gas up (always enter the overnight stop with a full tank!) and got some beer.  Mrs Milddogs picked Stella Artois.  It tastes like beer and thus wouldn’t be my first choice.  She swears it is a mild beer.  Perhaps tomorrow we acquire some Busch Light.  Perhaps tomorrow we stop at a Verizon store and maybe help these terrible internet situations we have been getting ourselves into.

Dude at the campground last night had StarLink.  His SID was StarLink007.  I tried all kinds of James Bond themed passwords and could not guess right 🙁

We still have not heard from Bill and Hillary, or maybe we have and just don’t know it yet?

Before dinner we went for a nice hike up on the ridge here.  We did almost 2 Km with a fair amount of elevation gain.  Amy led the way back even to the small trail we took to get onto the main trail.  It’s almost like dogs can track things.

Post dinner hike, who needs a straight hat?

After we got back, Mrs Milddogs continued the shaving of the Amy.  

Dinner was Quesadillas made by Mrs Milddogs using whatever we have in the van.

Time for a shower.  Well, if the play stopped after act one, we would end in disappointment.  The showers in this loop were rather disgusting.  They also failed to produce warm water.  I gave up after soaking myself from the uncontrolled spray pattern from the shower head, faucet and wherever else it could erupt from.  A solid zero.  End of act 1.

For act 2 I made my way to the comfort station in the first loop.  Along the way I stopped and talked with our nearest neighbour (4 sites away) who is also in a Travato.  Act 2 showers scored a 5.  Warm water, privacy.  Not the cleanest, but neither was I!

Tomorrow we head off to Texas!  We may provision along the way.  Not sure.

Full moon tonight.  We already heard some Barred Owls having a chat.  Wonder when the werewolves come out?

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