
Day 5: Caddo Lake State Park, TX. That’s about enough with the crack


Since we have some bars of 5G here I have updated the earlier posts with pictures and more gooder English words.

Beautiful quite night last night. Sleep was had.

My morning walk at the previous spot was fine. They have a decent trail system mostly up on that ridge. As we had discovered the night before on our walk, there were some slippery spots. My pace was meh due to the aforementioned slippery sections (mostly undetected under the cover of layers of oak leaves) and the elevation changes. About a third of the way into the walk I detected the pattern of low area so I kept to the sloped sides of the path. Did you know that moisture is not exclusively at the bottom of a low area. Also, clay can be slippery. I fell down, mostly, and went boom, a little. I managed to get out of the quagmire by leaning on the sides and supporting myself with my hands while I crept along sideways. No major injuries so on I went.

Fall down go boom here

Post walk we chatted with the nice lady in the Travato and then we packed up and hit the road. Nothing exciting planned for the day on the way to the park. We bypassed Little Rock (Sorry Bill, sorry Hillary, but nice airport!). Mrs Milddogs scoped out a grocery store called “Harps” in a small town west of Little Rock. Conveniently they had a gas station and were right next to Sonic. While Mrs Milddogs provisioned, I attempted to get my Verizon stuff sorted out. Nope!

Did we go to Sonic? We did not! We had some wraps in the van and got back on the road. We took a secondary road for about 10 miles to the next entrance ramp to the highway. Good thing I took the wrong ramp and we looped almost back.

Soon after righting our course, Mrs Milddogs noticed that our windshield was cracked. Dang it! We had not noticed any large impacts. We are going to let this one be as it is not in our field of vision. History says we will probably get another on the way home. This will be our third replacement (second one due to a faulty one being installed). Perhaps someone makes a more resilient windshield for these vans?

Uneventful down Highway 43 until the campground. Our campsite is a tad sloped. we don’t really carry enough levelling stuff so we shall see how we sleep.

Janky levelling

We were thrilled to have some bars of 5G so I hastily posted yesterday’s blog while chatting with a Verizon rep. That failed too. Mrs Milddogs made some burnt ends we got at Costco and a salad. We ate inside as we are basically in a Cyprus Swamp and I failed to bring our screen tent. Hey, I thought about it, but did the math and decided not to. All that trouble of figuring out how to securely attach it to the ladder on the van, the likelihood of how often we would use it. Well, the math said leave it home. But, the mosquitos in this swap suggested otherwise! Lesson learned!

Post dinner we had a walk to the swamp.

Swamp behind us

Mrs Milddogs even used the shower at the park! I rate it at a 5. Decent water temperature, not disgusting, just the water was a bit squirrelly when you turn it on.

So far we have only seen road kill armadillos. Hoping for some live ones here!

Tomorrow we stay at this park. We have a tent site booked. We walked by earlier and think we can fit the van on it. We shall find out. I’ll probably find a slippery path to walk on somewhere.

I brought this thick thing made of bound sheets of paper. It has a lot of words. I have been enjoying looking at it. Somewhat weird to not have a book read to me. I’ll post a review later.

Later, Alligator (except we have not seen any yet).

Thanks for the donations and patience.

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