
Day 4: Grand Prairie, AB: 764 km

July 2, 2013

We took it “easy” today.  Cue the Eagles.

We had a desire to lower the number of kilometers and a side benefit would be a bit of shopping time in Edmonton. BAD IDEA. It was 32 C by the time we got to Edmonton and the construction had us sitting idle for too many minutes. In the end, the store that the internet guided us too only had a nice guy that directed us to other stores. Went to one of them, got a few of the things we needed and left town (through more construction) after getting some Subway for lunch.

There was a severe thunderstorm watch for Edmonton at the time. The guy in subway let us know. The rest of the ride was almost completely dry. A few rain drops here and there. We could see rain all around us.

We stopped at some scenic vistas and relaxed a bit more. Heck, we were going 200km less than usual.



We had a guy in a SUV ask us if we had any spare gas.  Dendog’s spare bottles are empty until tomorrow and I will buy a gas can in Fort St John.  So we didn’t have any.  It did seem ironic, but somewhat logical, maybe desperate?

I shot some video with the “camera on a stick”.  Speaking of video, I tried Future Shop, Best Buy and London Drugs.  No GoPro cases.  I now have a new GoPro.

At the end of the day, we arrived pretty early.  The shorter run was nice.  Tomorrow we start the camping phase.  Two straight nights of camping in BC.  No internet, so spot will have to be the only updates.

After those two nights, we will be in Whitehorse, then Dawson.  We are thinking of the ride up to the arctic circle.  We’ll be so close.  We are also looking at ways to get some shorter riding days in.  That way we can stop more often and see all of the beautiful scenery.

Hotel has a water slide and hot tub.  I tried both.

Tomorrow I get to try my new airhawk seat pad.  It’s a short day tomorrow at just over 400 km. The alarm will be set for 8:30 local time.  Don’t call or text!

No posts until Whitehorse.  Maybe a tweet from Fort St John.

Peace out!  Ride safe. Love your people.  We miss our peeps.  We were thinking of Ta today.

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