
Day 15: Lake Casa Blanca International State Park: Muy caliente

Good sleep except for the small details like the temperature went up over night and opening the window blinds to let in air meant letting in light. It is not dark here at all. So we turned on the A/C and chose the noise over the light.

Morning walk was basically the same as yesterday without the errors. I did see a deer on the White Tail Trail! No pictures, it did not seem to want to be near me.

Post standard breakfast I walked up to the entrance gate to get our window permit for tonight. Our old one expired as we had originally planned to leave today. Round trip was just under 5 km. One day I shall get an eeee-bike. There is a trail that takes you pretty close to the gate. There was plenty of peccary poops and foot prints and paths. But none on the hoof. I did walk through “Nature with Natalie” group interpretive hike. It seemed interesting except to the few ladies talking on their phones while Natalie was sharing insight. GTFO and let the other people hear Natalie! I walked because I had declared this no driving day and we stuck with that. First day on the trip so far we have not started/moved the van. In fairness a few of those days were less than 500m of driving.

It was pretty darn hot today. We chose to extend our stay as the forecast said it would be pretty darn hot today and then crappy everywhere we are going for the next 5 days or so. Let’s take the heat while nature gives it to us. We just hung out near the van. Mrs Milddogs inflated and used the “beach hammock” thing. We mostly sat under our tin shade structure. Perhaps we were actually broiling ourselves. I should have put a slice of cheese on my head. The structure was popping loudly as it heated up. A bit unnerving at first.

Our site here is pretty big and relatively private where our shelter is.

I had a few Busch Light and that may not have been the best approach on such a hot day. We had left over curry for lunch. Also, maybe not the best on such a hot day. It was nice to just sit around and read and dream of new inventions. Like, I think I need to invent a camping sarong. Standard light sarong with plenty of “can’t see through that” with the right amount of pockets and breathability. Mrs Milddogs concluded the name was self evident. It’s sarong (it’s wrong). I’ll sell the idea to LuLu Lemon. Next there will be yoga sarongs too. Proper cut required before attempting downward dog!

My Verizon Wifi hotspot stopped working. Then I remembered it was in a west facing window with the blind closed behind it. This is what it said to me.

Muy Calinete

How hot was / is it? We are 100% not complaining. Still happy we have A/C! Cause, well, it’s been running a bunch even though we were outside all day.

For dinner Mrs Milddogs made som Chalupas out of left over brisket and chicken. Mmm good!

We had a nice walk around the trail at sunset.

Park has filled up a bit tonight. Many people in tents. I feel for them already.

We swept out the van and packed everything away before closing up for the night. We have a high wind warning over night, possibility of storms and such. Tomorrow we are off to Lake Corpus Christi State Park. Not a long drive. We shall provision along the way. It’s a special day tomorrow and I have no gifts to present. Oops. Maybe cake will be part of provisioning. We might stop in Alice, TX again for lunch. Who knows?

Keep the peace.

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