
Arizona 2024: Day 38: Sarnia, ON: I declare!

You know, Cracker Barrel can be OK. We continue to have pretty good luck. I failed to mention that Mrs Milddogs had purchased three Munch peanut bars for me when she picked up our obligatory Cracker Barrel order last night. I love peanut bars. Best of all were the ones we used to be able to get from the Old Dominion Peanut Company. We could only get them in the USofA but have not seen them in a long time. But these Munch bars are 100% desirable too!

Munch Peanut Bar

After a decent night sleep (but really missing my real mattress at home), I headed out on my walk. I had intended to stop at the local grocery store (Meijer) and at Menards (like Home Depot (shareholder)) after we broke camp. But since both were within walking distance I decided to make my purposeful morning walk, doubly purposeful. I took the long way over to Menards to try and find Fuel Keg reusable 16Oz propane canisters. This would allow me to abandon my attempts to refill the disposable green propane bottles. After searching around the store, one poor fellow asked if I need help. Yes! He engaged another employee and together we found the target. I had not brought my wallet but my AppleWatch is good for a tap. Crap, now I am carrying 5 lbs of stuff. I headed back to the van, dropped this bounty and asked Mrs Milddogs if there is anything she needs at the grocery store. I walked back over and procured those items and came back to the van. In total it wasn’t a long walk, but I had stuff to do and road to drive down!

Upon my return, Mrs Milddogs went back into Cracker Barrel and picked up 15 more Munch peanut bars for me. Grand total is now 18. No, I will not share. They were on sale.

Time to hit the road. I thought I had forced Apple Maps to take us north to Lansing and then east to Port Huron. The Garmin hated that route so I was going to ignore Garmin until it figured out that road quality and avoidance of Toledo and Detroit were worth the 20 minutes extra. Upon departure, Apple Maps had secretly switched the route back to the Toledo-Detroit crap road path and I blindly followed it. So, a nice 3 mile detour south, turn around and get going on the correct path.

Then we drove. Nothing exiting here. Stopped just south of Lansing to take on some fuel and get Amy some outside time. Then, as we turned east at Lansing, MI, we entered the deer killing fields again. Some may have been the same deer we saw 37 days ago. Blinders on so we could ignore the carnage.

We stopped just shy of Port Huron, MI at the last rest stop to take a break, stretch and get Amy some outside time before the bridge and Canada Customs (not the same as Canadian customs). But you know, didn’t I say something about stopping at the last rest stop back in Arizona or New Mexico? Ignore that, we were fine. These are pretty much the only pictures I took today.

To the bridge! There was no line at the Canadian side so we went straight up to a booth. Answered the questions and 45 seconds later we were in our home country! Good to be back on familiar soil. Good to see family.

Oh my, I had such a glorious shower at Mom’s RV park. It is the first time I have showered without flip flops (our Aussie friends call them thongs, which is what we used to call them too) on in 35 days. It was the best!

We are all plugged in. We brought great weather today, you are welcome. Tomorrow we shall do some more items on Mom’s todo list and visit with family and probably eat some Giresi’s pizza.

I probably won’t post tomorrow and will pick it up after the trek home later this week.

Some non-stats:
Hours driven so far: ~115
KM driven so far: ~9800
Lawyers called: 0 (that I know of)
Hours spent with the van radio on while driving: 0.25 <- you can’t hear the radio, no point having it on

Remember to follow along with our friends Tony and Barb. Their trip is just starting.

Thanks for reading!

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