Day 1: Yes, Virginia, there is a Winchester. Kemptville to Winchester, VA

Who said we don’t need plans? We sought the weather window after the freezing rain ended but early enough to make good distance before sunset. Of course allowing for border crossing and various stops.

Target: 0800 Departure. Forecast said that would be fine. Should be above zero and the rain down to a sprinkle. Easy, get up before 0600, go for a walk. Last minute packing. Put some water in the van as we should be warm enough based on the forecast.

Reality: Get up before 0600. Go for a walk just as the freezing rain is starting. Boo. Temperature still below zero. Walk, not so good. Bail early due to slippage 🙁 Finish on the treadmill after Mrs. Milddogs awakens. It’s loud. I stomp (not the musical). 0800: Still freezing rain. Super Boo! Liberally decorate the driveway with salt and sand. For slip and fall injuries, call Hopping Herbie, Attorney at Law, Winchester, ON. Fill the van with water. Rain stops. Temp above zero (we do Celsius here). Attempt to move van to make ingress easier. Driveway says “no”. Take a run at it, find the salt and sand. Driveway says “if you must”. 0912 (ish) we are on the road.

Here comes the bridge again. It’s been over two years since we crossed an international border. Passports: Check. Proof of vaccination: Check. Destination: Arizona and things along the way. Where are you staying?: Not sure. Have a great trip!

Stop in Syracuse for food, dog outdoors time and to get a Verizon Mifi jobber. It’s 21 degrees out! Find the Verizon store in a mall the size of our hometown. Dude says it will be two hours before they can help me. I say, your right here, you have the thing in stock, I’ll just take it to go. Can’t do. Short staffed. But there are only two customers and four staff. Full disclaimer. I own stock in Verizon, I must make some calls. Wait, can’t make calls cause can’t get an appointment in the retail store to get a phone to make a call. Verizon, if you want to be fake Apple at retailing, at least do it well. No mifi thing, yet. But, our Telus US/Canada plan is awesome so we are fine for some days.

Other excitement along the way? Saw an overloaded utility trailer blow a tire. It was carrying 4 huge tractor tires. Might have that on dash cam, but too lazy to look.

Tonight’s lodging, Cracker Barrel! Don’t know the dude near the sign. That is not snow on the ground. It’s 20 degress!!!!!!

Welcome to #vanlife

Tomorrow: Not sure. Further south. Looks like we are heading for some rain and cooler temperatures.

Is Amy (the only dog in milddogs) relaxed yet? No. Maybe tomorrow 🙂

Please don’t ask about fuel economy.


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