
Day 31 & 32: Sarnia and Home: I want a Crumbl Cookie.

Thunderstorms rolled through on Friday night. Amy doesn’t like thunder so we got some extra cuddle time until the early morning (past midnight). I believe this was the same storm front that caused much damage in the United States of America.

Saturday and Sunday walks were pretty much the same route up to Canatara Beach and back. It’s a nice that ends near the southern end of Lake Huron. Saturday was windier but the wind was from the West South West so there was not onshore to the beach and not enough fetch to make meaningful waves. Sunday the wind was from the North so we got waves and cold temperatures.

We did family stuff Saturday and visited with a friend. Drafted my sister to be my Uber driver. No, I did not tip! We did some projects at Camp Mom and even had her chip in her best Captain Morgan pose to help drain our tanks.

Since the temperature was going to be below freezing, I used our flex hose and the small compressor in the van to blow out the lines rather than using plumbing antifreeze. That worked pretty well as I let the hose balloon up to build up pressure and capacity.

We had our favourite pizza for supper Saturday with Mom and Mrs Dendog. Giresi’s I don’t know how they do it, it’s just good. We left the leftovers with Mom and Mrs Dendog. No room in our fridge. Not going to lie, I craved those leftovers all the way home Sunday.

Drive home was uneventful. We stopped downtown(ish) Toronto to drop off offspring #2 at a friend’s place.

Mrs Milddogs took the last part of the drive while Amy and I hung out, passenger style.

When we got home we were both pretty tired. Mostly because it was a long day to end the trip.

Was a great trip. Many lessons learned. Gratitude to Mrs Milddogs as she does most of the planning and well, most of everything.

The large job of unpacking and cleaning the van has begun. Turns out that funky smell that was getting stronger was not me, we found a potato that was less than prime.

Might post an epilogue with some stats, lessons learned and changes we need to make. Until then, here is a stat: We have had the van 23 months. We have put 37,000 km on it and have “lived” together in it for over 3.25 months.

Would we do it again? Not this exact route, but certainly more van trips. Not sure how Amy feels about that.

Back to work tomorrow.

Until next time (or the epilogue).

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